Subscriptions and Charges
We have set our subscription fees at £138 per annum payable annually in advance. The subscription year runs from October to September in order to reduce financial pressure on families over Christmas period and to ensure we have collected our subscriptions before we have to pay out significant proportion of these to the Scouting Association to cover their costs of supporting us through resources, insurance, facilities and other help and advice. This means we must collect our subs in before the end of January each year otherwise we are out of pocket.
The rest of the subs go towards our running costs such as hall rental, equipment purchase, badges, events etc.
If you child starts at a point during a subscription period we always pro-rata the subscription to cover the remaining period of the year.
Flexibility - If anyone has challenges around making the subscription payment for any reason please contact the Group Scout Leader directly. We have made provisions for providing assistance if required. Our preference is to have a full Beaver colony and we will be supportive and discrete on such matters, so please do not feel awkward in any way.
Gift aid - As a charity we can benefit from gift aid which means the amount you pay us as subscription can also be enhanced by the government in the form of a tax rebate. We collect your authorisation to seek Gift aid rebates when you first register your child using our online form. If for some reason you did not fill this out the the Gift aid form can be downloaded from Google Docs by clicking here.
We ideally get all payments via bank transfer directly into our bank account, please make sure you quote your surname and the word Subs in the reference section. Alternatively if the only options you can offer are cheques or cash we can make arrangements to accept these. We would prefer not to handle cash if at all possible for obvious reasons. Cheques should be made payable to 1st Sarratt Scout Group.
Are there any other charges?
We always strive to keep the charges as low as possible but there maybe from time to time other fees, if we organise a special event, trip or camp.
We are applying for grants and other forms of support and may be doing other fund raising activities in the future which we hope you would be able to support in one form or another. There are some annual events and externally organised events that incur entrance fees like the Annual Pantomine trip at Watersmeet Theatre, Rickmansworth which the whole District attends.
We supply one set of badges to each Beaver, Cub or Scout at investiture and as they earn them, plus a scarf and woggle and asection starter pack when your child joins. If we are asked to provide replacements we reserve the right to charge for these as we incur cost to buy them in. Additional badges, woggles, and scarfs can be ordered at anytime
Uniform is the other area of cost. We provide a scarf at investiture and a Woggle but there is a range of uniform options available from the Scout Shop website and Chorleywood Sports.