Welcome to Skills for Life

Welcome to the 1st Sarratt Scout Group run by parents of local children.

Freshers Fair slide deck - Public
2018 AGM 1st Sarratt Scout Group
  • If you are a parent and additionally interested in becoming an assistant leader for either Beavers, Cubs or Scouts on a rota basis we would also be delighted to hear from you.

  • Our entire team of people are parents of children who are Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and we are all working on a volunteer basis.

  • We have a long wish list of equipment we call the shopping list we are seeking to acquire, any help or ideas where to get these from most welcome

  • We have just as a long a wish list for help and support we need in terms of skills and knowledge. Many parents have unique skills and abilities that can be turned to help us run an effective and vibrant Scout Group, if you can help please let us know

If you are interested in more information about scouting in Sarratt please contact us directly on


Alternatively please click on the links to the left which will take you to:

the Scout Association website, which contains a wide array of information and the goals and objectives of Scouting across Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts.

The Scout Youth Programme has been revised. This is a short video to explain what the programme is all about. Additional information can be found at http://prepared.scouts.org.uk/